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 Landscape Design
**** Merit Award ****
LAUSD High School for the Visual and Performing Arts

Jury Comments:
"One of the jewels in the crown of the extraordinary building program of the LAUSD, this school honors its missions, its pivotal location at the peak of the Grand Avenue culture corridor. Its presence on the 101, vis a vis the Cathedral, creates an extraordinary freeway threshold for the City. It is particularly memorable for its mixture of delight, muscularity, severity and audacious whim. The mixture of gravitas and joy is exemplified by the Campanile which announces the central place of art and education in good and fine City. It really must be built."

LAUSD High School for the Visual and Performing Arts (HS #9) is part of a wave of construction that is revitalizing downtown Los Angeles. The project distinctively marks one end of the Grand Avenue Cultural Corridor, linking the local arts community with some of the city’s most notable cultural and architectural landmarks including the Colburn School of Music, Museum of Contemporary Art, and Walt Disney Concert Hall. HS #9 addresses the context with unique and dynamic forms that celebrate the architectural distinction of the development along Grand Avenue. It preserves the urban edge with a strong architectural statement, while creating a protected interior space dedicated to educating the school’s students.

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281  E. COLORADO BLVD. #1150
PASADENA, CA 91101-9998

626. 796. 7601
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