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Category: Institutional / Educational
**** Merit Award ****

USC Mark and Mary Stevens
Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute
(# 681)
As the new home of the Institute for Neuroimaging and Informatics the renovated 1950s era concrete building accommodates the new 44,000-square-foot state-of-the-art Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute.

The simple box-shape of the existing building is modified by adding and framing a clear floating mass that exhibits the major internal components. A significant part of the modernization is the enhancement of the façade, which includes a floor-to-ceiling window wall at the first floor perimeter. Levels two and three employ a similar strategy in order to make the state-of-the-art Data Immersive Visualization Environment (DIVE) and its surrounding activities visible from street level.

The 7T and 3T MRI volumes act similarly as objects surrounded by their own supporting elements within the overall composition, unified by the lower roof plane.

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