Category: Renovation **** Honor Award **** Creator: Formation Association Calaveras Residence # 676
Category: Renovation **** Honor **** Creator: John Friedman Alice Kimm Architects Roberts Pavilion, Claremont McKenna College # 665
Category: Residential **** Merit Award **** **** Honor Award - Savings by Design **** Creator: D.S. Ewing Architects Walker Residence (# 671)
Category: Institutional / Educational **** Merit Award **** Creator: SmithGroupJJR USC Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute # 681
Category: Building Section **** Citation **** **** Honor Award - Savings by Design **** Creator: SmithGroupJJR Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation (# 680)
Category: Residential **** Citation **** **** Honor Award - Savings by Design **** Creator: Michael Burch Architects Hot Springs Road # 657
Category: Students **** Citation - Student **** **** Honor Award - Savings by Design **** Creator: Alenoush Aghajanians SOURCE # 667