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Get to know us, featuring Sara Jandaghi Jafari, AIA Associate, LEED AP BD+C

08/15/2023 3:28 PM | Camille Leon (Admin) (Administrator)

 Education: Master of Architecture, University of Massachusetts

 Current Firm & Position: Golden Sun Enterprises, AIA Associate, LEED AP BD+C, General Contractor B License

 Favorite Project: My master's thesis project on humanity in a children's cancer hospital, which I completed in 2017, continues to hold a special place in my heart. It served as a profound inspiration, driving me to pursue a career that focuses specifically on designing spaces for children, especially those in need, such as hospitals and orphanages. I firmly believe that my purpose in this world is to utilize design as a catalyst for change and to aid children in need. Building upon my academic background and recent work experiences in a construction company, where I was involved in projects related to schools and playgrounds, I have decided to embark on a new journey. Alongside my current job, I am committed to dedicating my efforts to designing spaces for children, aiming to prepare our future creators for a better world through the transformative power of play.

 Why I Joined AIAPF: To foster meaningful professional connections, it is essential to actively participate in advocacy efforts, contribute to policy discussions, and make a positive impact within the local community. As a designer, I relish the chance to connect with peers, stay informed about industry trends, and engage in initiatives that shape our profession while benefiting the community.


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