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Get to know us, featuring Robert Stoeckinger of Roof Resources

10/17/2023 3:57 PM | Camille Leon (Admin) (Administrator)

 Education: George Mason University

 Current Firm: Roof Resources

 Professional Highlights: I have been in the   roofing & waterproofing industry for 7 years.   I started with a major in Biology but quickly   realized my passion is in the construction   industry. My family has a construction   background so this industry felt natural.

This industry is evolving and I enjoy constantly learning and honing my craft. I thoroughly enjoy and excel in helping the design community obtain the best information to help them with their project delivery. With extensive experience in roofing, waterproofing (below grade/above grade), and plaza decks, I am your go-to resource.

The journey to a successful project is rewarding!

 Why I Joined AIAPF: To foster meaningful professional connections, it is essential to actively participate in advocacy efforts, contribute to policy discussions, and make a positive impact within the local community. As a designer, I relish the chance to connect with peers, stay informed about industry trends, and engage in initiatives that shape our profession while benefiting the community.


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PASADENA, CA 91101-9998

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