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Get to know us, featuring Cameron Slatterbeck of Precision Property Measurements

10/31/2023 1:21 PM | Camille Leon (Admin) (Administrator)

 Current Firm: Precision Property Measurements (PPM)

 Specialties: As-Built Surveying, Drafting     and Modeling 

 Professional Highlights: Cameron has diligently served his clients in the Southern California AEC community for over 15 years. With PPM’s headquarters in Long Beach, he has been instrumental in expanding our services across the region, while leading an ever-growing team of Surveyors and Project Managers to support the hundreds of projects he has managed. When you work with Cameron, you can expect a true partner on your project. He is committed to fulfilling PPM’s Worry-Free Promise – to deliver your As-Built Plans with accuracy, timeliness, and strong communication.

In his spare time, Cameron enjoys country music concerts, LA Kings games, and traveling with his wife and their newborn daughter.


281  E. COLORADO BLVD. #1150
PASADENA, CA 91101-9998

626. 796. 7601
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